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Tools for Effective Bird Watching

If you are going to start bird watching, there are specific things that you are going to need. These tools will make bird watching way easier and have been used by other birders for decades.

1. Binoculars. These are a no brainer. You will need binoculars to spot birds from various distances and in order to correctly identify the species. If you are going to be a serious bird watcher, I would recommend putting a good amount of money into a pair of binoculars. A great pair of binoculars can range from $250-$300. I know that this does sound quite expensive but the set will last you a long time.

2. Field Guide. Field Guides are your lifeline in situations where identifying a bird can be tricky. I would recommend a Sibley or Peterson field guide. Both are excellent options and provide detailed descriptions of species along with beautiful photos/illustrations.

3. Spotting Scope. Spotting scopes are not exactly necessary but they do make spotting birds from long distances way easier. Spotting scopes aren't cheap but will seriously help you out in the long run!

4. A Notebook for Recording. Recording your findings is an excellent way to keep track of the birds you have spotted in your area. A notebook like this can be used for taking species notes, keeping bird lists, and even gives you an opportunity to write down the details of an unfamiliar species.

5. Connections. Connections in the bird watching community will take you far. You will get a heads up on important migrations, the best bird watching spots, and even recommendations on equipment and practices.


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